Open Digital Infrastructure
Group Leaders

Overview of the technology powering MARVEL’s “Simulation-as-a-Service” digital infrastructure.

Graphical representation of the provenance of all data and simulations tracked by AiiDA for one of the MARVEL high-throughput project on the discovery of novel 2D materials.
Related publications (until January 2024)
- P. Bonfà, I. J. Onuorah, F. Lang, I. Timrov, L. Monacelli, C. Wang, X. Sun, O. Petracic, G. Pizzi, N. Marzari, S. J. Blundell, R. De Renzi, Magnetostriction-Driven Muon Localization in an Antiferromagnetic Oxide, Physical Review Letters 132, 046701 (2024). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4 - E. Bosoni, L. Beal, M. Bercx, P. Blaha, S. Blügel, J. Bröder, M. Callsen, S. Cottenier, A. Degomme, V. Dikan, K. Eimre, E. Flage-Larsen, M. Fornari, A. Garcia, L. Genovese, M. Giantomassi, S. P. Huber, H. Janssen, G. Kastlunger, M. Krack, G. Kresse, T. D. Kühne, K. Lejaeghere, G. K. H. Madsen, M. Marsman, N. Marzari, G. Michalicek, H. Mirhosseini, T. M. A. Müller, G. Petretto, C. J. Pickard, S. Poncé, G. Rignanese, O. Rubel, T. Ruh, M. Sluydts, D. E. P. Vanpoucke, S. Vijay, M. Wolloch, D. Wortmann, A. V. Yakutovich, J. Yu, A. Zadoks, B. Zhu, G. Pizzi, How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows, Nature Reviews Physics 6, 45 (2024).[Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4 - D. Campi, N. Mounet, M. Gibertini, G. Pizzi, N. Marzari, Expansion of the Materials Cloud 2D Database, ACS Nano 17, 11268–11278 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4 - M. Bonacci, J. Qiao, N. Spallanzani, A. Marrazzo, G. Pizzi, E. Molinari, D. Varsano, A. Ferretti, D. Prezzi, Towards high-throughput many-body perturbation theory: efficient algorithms and automated workflows, npj Computational Materials 9, 74 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Pizzi / Project(s): P3 - J. Qiao, G. Pizzi, N. Marzari, Projectability disentanglement for accurate and automated electronic-structure Hamiltonians, npj Computational Materials 9, 208 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4 - J. Qiao, G. Pizzi, N. Marzari, Automated mixing of maximally localized Wannier functions into target manifolds, npj Computational Materials 9, 206 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4 - P. Kraus, E. Bainglass, F. F. Ramirez, E. Svaluto-Ferro, L. Ercole, B. Kunz, S. P. Huber, N. Plainpan, N. Marzari, C. Battaglia, G. Pizzi, A Bridge between Trust and Control: Computational Workflows Meet Automated Battery Cycling, ChemRxiv. Preprint. (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4 - A. Marrazzo, S. Beck, E. R. Margine, N. Marzari, A. A. Mostofi, J. Qiao, I. Souza, S. S. Tsirkin, J. R. Yates, G. Pizzi, The Wannier-Functions Software Ecosystem for Materials Simulations, arXiv:2312.10769 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4
- D. Du, T. J. Baird, S. Bonella, G. Pizzi, OSSCAR, an Open Platform for Collaborative Development of Computational Tools for Education in Science, Computer Physics Communications 282, 108546 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Mendeley.
Group(s): Bonella, Pizzi / Project(s): P3 - L. Gigli, M. Veit, M. Kotiuga, G. Pizzi, N. Marzari, M. Ceriotti, Thermodynamics and dielectric response of BaTiO_3 by data-driven modeling, npj Computational Materials 8, 209 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Ceriotti, Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P2, P3, P4 - M. Kotiuga, S. Halilov, B. Kozinsky, M. Fornari, N. Marzari, G. Pizzi, Microscopic picture of paraelectric perovskites from structural prototypes, Physical Review Research 4, L012042 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4, OSP - M. T. Vahdat, K. V. Agrawal, G. Pizzi, Machine-learning accelerated identification of exfoliable two-dimensional materials, Machine Learning: Science and Technology 3, 045014 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Pizzi / Project(s): P3