INSPIRE Potentials – MARVEL Master's Fellowships
This is an initiative started in 2016 by the NCCR MARVEL, and currently planned up until 2025 where we offer 6-months fellowships to women students to conduct their Master's research thesis in a group participating in MARVEL. There are 8 fellowships available every year (typically 4 for each round of applications, but with some flexibility in case of many excellent candidates); each fellowship amounts to 12'000 CHF. You can find here:
- All the detailed information, and application procedure
- The list of the previous and current INSPIRE Potentials fellows together with some of their interviews
- The INSPIRE Potentials poster as pdf file — please print and distribute!
This initiative was initiated in close collaboration with the NCCR QSIT — Quantum Science and Technology, with a parallel offer in their field. Since 2021, the program there is continued by the Quantum Center, ETH Zürich and the NCCR SPIN