From MARVEL to industry
The list is not exhaustive and new interviews will be added regularly.
- Leopold Talirz, formerly with Berend Smit's laboratory at EPFL, is now Senior Software Engineer in the Azure Quantum team at Microsoft.
- Giulia Mangione worked in Clémence Corminboeuf’s group at EPFL, and is now Design Tech Lead at Stellantis.
- Leonid Kahle was a PhD and then postdoc in Nicola Marzari's lab, and now works for Materials Design Inc, a company specializing in atomistic simulation software.
- Sandip De worked with Michele Ceriotti at EPFL from 2015 to 2018, and now leads a team working on quantum mechanical simulation at BASF.
- Chiara Ricca, formerly in the group of Ulrich Aschauer and now with the chemical multinational company Dow.