Prizes and awards

  • NCCR MARVEL’s Luisier part of ETH team awarded 2019 ACM Gordon Bell prize

    The team—made up of Mathieu Luisier, a professor in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at ETHZ and group leader in MARVEL Design & Discovery Project 3, Alexandros Nikolaos Ziogas, Tal Ben-Nun, Timo Schneider and Torsten Hoefler from ETH’s Scalable Parallel Computing Laboratory and as well as Guillermo Indalecio Fernández from ETH’s Integrated Systems Laboratory—was awarded the prize for developing a simulation that maps heat in transistors. The new DaCe OMEN framework may help industry design better, more efficient computer chips.  

  • Nicola Spaldin wins 2019 Marcel Benoist Prize for work on multiferroic materials

    Nicola Spaldin, ETH Zurich professor and NCCR MARVEL project leader has been awarded the 2019 Marcel Benoist prize—the "Swiss Nobel Prize"—for her groundbreaking research on multiferroics. This new class of materials responds to both magnetic and electric fields, a combination that does not generally occur simultaneously. This unusual property makes multiferroics promising materials that could, for example, replace silicon in future computer chips. 

  • MARVEL Executive Committee Member Prof. Clemence Corminboeuf wins SCGC teaching excellence award

    Clemence Corminboeuf, professor and head of the Laboratory for Computational Molecular Design and a member of MARVEL's Executive Committee, has been awarded the 2019 teaching excellence award from EPFL's Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Section for her outstanding contribution to teaching first year students, in computational chemistry and outreach for children, especially young girls.

  • MARVEL Director Marzari named to Senior Editorial Board of Nature's Scientific Data publication

    NCCR MARVEL's director Nicola Marzari has been named to the Senior Editoral Board of Nature's Scientific Data publication. 

  • Executive Committee Member Thomas Schulthess wins 2019 Doron Prize

    MARVEL Executive Committee member and director of the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre CSCS Thomas Schulthess has been awarded the 2019 Doron Prize for his work in high-performance computing. Schulthess, who is also professor at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of ETHZ and co-leader of MARVEL's High Performance Computing and Future Architectures project, will be given the award at a ceremony in Zug on 3 April. He is the second MARVEL member to win the award after Ursula Röthlisberger's recognition in 2016.

  • NCCR MARVEL's Spaldin named foreign member of the U.S.'s National Academy of Engineering (NAE)

    NCCR MARVEL project leader Nicola Spaldin of ETHZ has been named a foreign member of the National Academy of Engineering in the United States.  

  • Nicola Marzari Receives IBM Faculty Award for Curated Datasets on Demand

    Nicola Marzari, head of the Laboratory of theory and simulation of materials (THEOS) and director of the NCCR MARVEL has been granted an IBM Faculty Award—the first given to an EPFL professor—for the project “Curated Datasets on Demand”.

  • Scientific Advisory Board Member Galli Wins Materials Theory Award

    Professor Giulia Galli, a member of MARVEL Scientific Advisory Board, Liew Family Professor of Molecular Engineering at the Institute for Molecular Engineering (IME) and professor of chemistry at the University of Chicago and a senior scientist at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), was awarded the 2018 Materials Theory Award from the Materials Research Society. 

  • Corminboeuf Awarded ERC Consolidator Grant for Work in Photoswitchable Catalysis

    The European Research Council announced that 291 top scientists across Europe have been named as the recipients of its Consolidator Grant competition. MARVEL member Professor Clémence Corminboeuf is among them.  

  • Oleg Yazyev wins a Latsis University Prize

    NCCR MARVEL’s Professor Oleg Yazyev, who holds the Chair of Computational Condensed Matter Physics C3MP at EPFL, has been awarded a Prix Latsis universitaire 2018 for his work in the computer simulation of two-dimensional and topological materials. 

  • Foresight Institute Awards Feynman Theory Prize to Anatole von Lilienfeld

    Anatole von Lilienfeld, MARVEL group leader and head of a research group in the Chemistry Department of the University of Basel, was awarded the Feynman Theory Prize by the Foresight Institute on 23 May 2018 for introducing innovative new ways to accelerate QM quality predictions across materials compound space by multiple orders of magnitude.

  • IBM Research Forschungspreis 2017 awarded to master student in Jürg Hutter's group

    Corina Keller, a student in Jürg Hutter's group at the University of Zurich, is awarded the IBM Research Forschungspreis for her MSc Thesis entitled “Simulation of Dynamic Atomic Force Microscopy Images". She will receive the prize from the president of the University next week during the Dies Academicus.