Corminboeuf Awarded ERC Consolidator Grant for Work in Photoswitchable Catalysis

This was published on November 29, 2018

The European Research Council announced that 291 top scientists across Europe have been named as the recipients of its Consolidator Grant competition. MARVEL member Professor Clémence Corminboeuf is among them.  

by Carey Sargent, EPFL, NCCR MARVEL

Professor Clémence Corminboeuf, MARVEL member and head of the Laboratory for Computational Molecular Design at EPFL, has been awarded the grant for her project "Pushing Quantum Chemistry by Advancing Photoswitchable Catalysis" (PushQChem).

Clémence Corminboeuf
Clémence Corminboeuf
Deputy director
EPFL, Lausanne

The ERC received 2,389 research proposals and has decided to fund approximately 12%. The ERC says this new round of grants should create around 1750 jobs for postdocs, PhD students and other staff working in the grantees' research team. The full press release from the ERC can be found here.

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