MARVEL Director Marzari named to Senior Editorial Board of Nature's Scientific Data publication

This was published on March 31, 2019

NCCR MARVEL's director Nicola Marzari has been named to the Senior Editoral Board of Nature's Scientific Data publication. 

 by Carey Sargent, EPFL, NCCR MARVEL

The new Senior Editorial Board, made up of prominent scientists covering a range of areas including palaeontology, neuroscience, genomics and , of course, computational materials science, will guide the larger Editorial Board membership, playing a lead role in setting standards for papers submitted to Scientific Data.

The Senior Editorial Board will work with the in-house editorial team to "develop consistent journal policies, handle difficult cases in a fair manner, and further expand our existing board membership," the publication said. They will also help strengthen the publication's connections with research data experts in multiple disciplines, also contributing to author service and furthering the journal’s mission of "establishing data publication as a first-class research output and promoting open and FAIR data sharing throughout the wider research community."

In addition to Marzari, the other members named to the board are: 

  • Harry Dowsett, US Geological Survey, USA
  • Stephen Eglen, University of Cambridge, UK
  • Jingjing Liang, West Virginia University, USA
  • Russell Poldrack, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
  • Lynn Schriml, University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA
  • Kaylene Simpson, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia
  • Charles Wang, Loma Linda University, USA

More information can be found here.

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