Four new INSPIRE Potentials fellows will join MARVEL for their Master's research projects

This was published on December 15, 2022

We are happy to announce that Linda Mauron (EPFL), Noémie Hu (EPFL), Melika Honarmand (Tehran Polytechnic, Iran), and Eva Doloszeski (TU Wien, Austria) were granted INSPIRE Potentials – MARVEL Master's Fellowships after the October 2022 call. The four women will join MARVEL labs for a 6-month Master's research project — congratulations!

  • Linda Mauron from EPFL will join the group of Giuseppe Carleo at EPFL from January 2023
  • Noémie Hu from EPFL will join the group of Berend Smit at EPFL from end of February 2023
  • Melika Honarmand from Tehran Polytechnic will join the group of Michele Ceriotti at EPFL from February 2023
  • Eva Doloszeski from TU Wien will join the group of Sereina Riniker at ETHZ from September 2023

These four students bring the number of fellowships to 42 since the 2016 launch of the initiative, which involves two calls per year. Of these, 11 are already continuing at the PhD level in a MARVEL group or ex-MARVEL group. Of those who left, at least 11 are continuing at the PhD level outside MARVEL abroad. For those continuing at the PhD level in the field of MARVEL, the INSPIRE Potentials project is often crucial in the decision to stay in the domain.

Take the opportunity to discover the testimonials of some of our previous INSPIRE Potentials fellows here .

The INSPIRE Potentials fellowships aim to empower excellent female students to conduct their Master's research project in simulation and modelling in a laboratory belonging to the NCCR MARVEL. They consist of a six-month 12'000 CHF fellowship (+ 500 CHF for travel + separate coverage of tuition fees and medical insurance (for non EU participants)). 

Please note that the next application deadline is 15 April 2023. All the information is available here.

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