Wannier90 School goes virtual, saving some 30 metric tons of CO2

This was published on April 6, 2020

Wannier90 has recently become a community code with a wide base of contributors. It has  grown significantly, gaining many novel features, an evolution that culminated in the release of a new version, a new website and a collaborative article. A 3-day school from 25 to 27 March 2020, originally meant to be held in Oxford, England, aimed to present the state-of-the-art functionalities, with a particular focus on the latest developments to new and experienced users and developers alike. The school was instead held in virtual form, saving an estimated 30 metric tons of CO2, and providing a template for future remote versions of the course.  

The school welcomed participants from all over the world.

"We really see some advantages in this kind of online format," said Jonathan Yates, of the Material Modelling Laboratory at Oxford Materials. "There are no visa issues,  the costs are quite minimal, both for the organizers and in terms of travel, and there's also the reduced carbon footprint. I did a sort of back-of-the-envelope calculation and I think that if everybody had flown, we would have added about 30 metric tons of C02 to the atmosphere."

The video recordings of this first virtual edition of the school as well as presentation slides, the Question and Answer session and all materials for hands-on tutorials are now available here.

Slide from presentation of Prof. Arash Mostofi, Imperial College London, UK 

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