The 2023 MARVEL junior retreat: bridges between academia and industry
by Nicola Nosengo, NCCR MARVEL
Four years after the last edition, the junior scientists in the MARVEL consortium got back together for the NCCR MARVEL Junior Retreat that took place in Davos from 11 to 15 September. The meeting gathered almost 60 PhD students and postdocs from the MARVEL-affiliated laboratories across all partner institutions.

Pictures: Virginie de Mestral, NCCR MARVEL.
The program featured three guest speakers: Leopold Talirz, a former MARVEL member at EPFL who is now working for Microsoft Quantum; Erich Wimmer, co-founder, Chief Scientific Officer and Chairman of the Board of Materials Design, a company developing software and providing services for materials research; Maximilian Amsler, formerly at Cornell University and now a research scientist at Bosch Corporate Research and Advance Engineering.
“We wanted to hear different experiences,” says de Mestral. “The speakers explained their backgrounds and shared what tricks they would have liked to know before going into industry. The participants were particularly interested in knowing how recruitment criteria change from academia to industry. Another common question was whether the topics of research that are popular in academia match the research interest of the industry".
The rest of the speakers were junior MARVEL members presenting their current research. The program also included a poster section with 17 presentations, which was won by Divya Suman from the Michele Ceriotti's lab group, who was assisted by her groups' colleagues in delivering a 2-minutes pitch about her research and why it is relevant to the industry.
Of course there was time for a hike to Filisur, after which the participants took the historical train back to Davos.
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