Materials Cloud is online!
As time goes on, both new content and new functionalities will be added by the developers. Materials Could is open for contributions to LEARN, WORK, DISCOVER, EXPLORE and ARCHIVE from researchers affiliated with its scientific partners.
Everyone is very welcome to explore the results and provide feedback at

Materials Cloud was built to enable the seamless sharing of resources in computational materials science ranging from learning materials over interactive tools and virtual hardware to the calculations underlying published results. You are invited to share your scientific data on Materials Cloud to make it
- Complete: Share not only the results of your calculations but every step along the way.
- Fully downloadable: Download individual files or the whole database with the click of a button.
- Easy to browse: Your calculations can be browsed and queried using a web browser.
- Ready for reuse: Your peers can download your database, import it, and start from there.
Materials Cloud is powered by AiiDA, a python framework for managing and tracking materials science calculations. It is supported by
- Research partners NFFA, EMMC, and the European H2020 project “MarketPlace”,
- Supercomputing centers CSCS, CINECA, and FZ-Jülich.
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