Jente Clarysse wins the ETH medal

This was published on July 19, 2024

The former INSPIRE Potentials fellow was honoured at the recent graduation ceremony for the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, for her Master's thesis written in Mathieu Luisier's group at ETH Zurich. 

Jente Clarysse was one of the three recipients of the ETH Medals at the Masters' level for the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering.

Working in Mathieu Luisier's group (part of NCCR MARVEL), Jente developed simulations of thermally-driven switching in valence change memory cells, supervised by PhD student Manasa Kaniselvan. Her work contributed towards two co-authored conference papers at competitive venues.

Jente was a recipient of the INSPIRE Potentials – MARVEL Master's Fellowship. Following an early application, she joined the group of Prof. Mathieu Luisier end of April 2023 for a 6-month Master's research project. You can read an interview about her INSPIRE fellowship here.

Berend Smit

Jente Clarysse receives the ETH medal during the graduation ceremony.

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