Giovanni Pizzi wins the 2020 Rodolphe and Renée Haenny Prize
Patrick Mayor, EPFL, NCCR MARVEL
The 2020 Rodolphe and Renée Haenny Foundation prize has been awarded to Giovanni Pizzi for his involvement in the development and dissemination of innovative tools for teaching and training of computational materials science, based on the concept of Open Science. The foundation also recognizes his contribution to high-throughput materials discovery with the development of the AiiDA infrastructure for atomistic calculations, as well as his research in materials science, containing a fundamental and interdisciplinary component, notably via the Wannier90 project.

The Rodolphe and Renée Haenny Foundation was created in 2001 with the objective of supporting research in the field of metallurgy and the material sciences, areas of great importance for technology and society. The Foundation is associated with the Société Académique Vaudoise (SAV). The Rodolphe and Renée Haenny Prize distinguishes highly original work in metallurgy and materials science with a fundamental and interdisciplinary component and/or specific actions with respect to the promotion and education of students in materials science and engineering.
The Award Ceremony will take place on October 2, 2020.
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