Alexey Soluyanov awarded SNSF professorship

Newly appointed SNSF professor Alexey Soluyanov
In February 2018, the SNSF awarded 39 new SNSF professorships to outstanding young researchers. They will take up their posts at six Swiss universities and both federal institutes of technology. Professor Alexey Soluyanov will be located at University of Zurich as of June 2018.
The awarded SNSF professorships will enable excellent young researchers to set up their own team and conduct an independent research project at a higher education institution in Switzerland. The SNSF has awarded a total of 730 SNSF professorships since 1999, the year the scheme was launched. Around 80% of grantees were appointed as professors after expiry of the grant, in most cases with tenure.
More about SNSF professorships awarded in 2018.
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