Two MARVEL sessions at the 2018 SPS Annual Meeting!

The next annual SPS meeting will take place from 28 - 31 August 2018 at EPFL. Nine plenary talks , including one by NCCR MARVEL's Director Nicola Marzari, will be addressing latest advancements in different research fields.
MARVEL members are invited to please submit an abstract and refer to our sessions on "Advanced Electronic-Structure Developments and Applications" and on “Advances in Topological Materials”. The scope of these sessions is very broad and is intended to give a showcase of the research in this area in Switzerland (in particular from the NCCR MARVEL) and in neighboring countries.
Deadline for abstract submission is Monday April 30, 2018
Deadline for registration is Wednesday August 1, 2018
Link to the conference website
Session "Advanced Electronic-Structure Developments and Applications" (organized by the NCCR MARVEL)
This session aims at highlighting recent advances in the computational study of the properties of real materials with particular emphasis on the description of the electronic structure through advanced methods, both as far as methodological developments and applications are concerned.
We aim at bringing together computational researchers active in various fields, such as materials for batteries, halide perovskites and other materials for photovoltaics, functional oxides, electrochemical interfaces & catalysis, metal organic frameworks, two-dimensional materials, solid-state ion conductors, and others. Two invited speakers are confirmed: Giacomo Miceli (EPFL) and Wei Chen (Louvain-La-Neuve).
Contact: Alfredo Pasquarello
Session "Advances in Topological Materials" (organized by the NCCR MARVEL)
The objective of this session is to provide an account of recent advances in materials realizing topological electronic phases (topological insulators, Dirac and Weyl semimetals, etc.). The session intends to gather both the theorists working on the subject as well as experimental researchers studying various aspects of these emerging materials (materials synthesis, photoemission spectroscopy, transport measurements). Alexey Soluyanov (ETHZ) and Ming Shi (PSI) will give invited talks.
Contact: Oleg Yazyev
Other sessions
- Applied Physics and Plasma Physics
- Atomic Physics and Quantum Photonics
- Biophysics, Medical Physics and Soft Matter
- Condensed Matter Physics (KOND)
- Earth, Atmosphere and Environmental Physics
- History of Physics
- Magnetism and Spintronics at the Nanoscale
- Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics (TASK)
- Physics Beyond University
- SwissFEL – recent advances and future opportunities
- Theoretical Physics
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