Quantum Computing Hard- and Software Summer School 2021
It will be held in Lausanne on June 15-18 and each day will consist of five parts:
- Lectures on the algorithms that can be run on quantum computers.
- Lectures on the hardware platforms being explored for quantum computation.
- Hands-on programming tutorials in Qiskit, a quantum algorithm simulator that can compile your code on a real quantum computer.
- Invited talks from foremost experts in the field
- A poster session where you can share your research with your peers.
The summer school is targeted towards early doctoral students and motivated masters students in fields related to quantum physics and materials science.
Applications are open until April 30 on the school website, where you can also find a list of confirmed speakers and topics. The event is planned to happen in place, but will be moved online if the pandemics does not allow it.
If you are a MARVEL member, MARVEL will be covering your registration costs. Simply register and pay the fee normally, and your lab will be reimbursed after you have attended the summer school. Once your application to the school has been confirmed, complete the following online form in order to claim your registration fees from MARVEL.
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