Psi-k 2025 conference
Aug 25, 2025, 14:00 until Aug 28, 2025, 19:00, SwissTech Convention Center, EPFL
The conference will bring together the community that is active in the field, to develop fundamental theory, algorithms, and computer codes in order to understand, predict, and design materials properties and functions. Theoretical condensed matter physics, quantum chemistry, thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics form its scientific core. Applications encompass inorganic, organic and bio-materials, and cover a whole range of diverse scientific, engineering, and industrial endeavours.
- 3.5 days (from Monday afternoon to Thursday evening)
- 6 plenary talks
- 35 symposia
- 6 parallel sessions
- 120+ invited talks
- ~200 contributed talks
Important dates
May 31 (23:59 CEST)
- Early-bird registration deadline
- Abstract submission deadline, to be considered for contributed oral presentations
June 30 (23:59 CEST)
- Regular registration deadline
- Abstract submission deadline for posters
July 31 (23:59 CEST)
- Late registration deadline
Details and registration:

Plenary speakers
- Lilia Boeri, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy
- Garnet Chan, California Institute of Technology, USA
- Sharon Hammes-Schiffer, Princeton University, USA
- Leeor Kronik, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
- Nicola Marzari, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne & Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
- Roser Valentí, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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