MARVEL Review and Retreat 2018

Sep 12, 2018, from 12:45 until 18:30, SwissTech Convention Center, EPFL

The fifth MARVEL Review and Retreat, gathering all MARVEL members, will take place just after the International Workshop on Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (COMDI 2018), on Wed. September 12, 2018 afternoon. For registering, please see the instructions below.

Everyone will gather at EPFL in the SwissTech Convention Center (STCC) just after the COMDI 2018, starting with a standing lunch and poster session which will be the key moment to look at the entire portfolio of ongoing MARVEL research activities.

The MARVEL Scientific Advisory Board and the MARVEL Industrial Advisory Board will participate to the Review and Retreat.


If you have registered to COMDI 2018, there is no need to register below.

If you are not attending COMDI 2018, but will attend this meeting, please register here by August 8, 2018 at latest.


12:45-13:40 Lunch (attended by all members)

13:40-15:25 Presentations on ongoing projects (attended by all members) (15'+ 5' Q&A)

13:40-13:45 Welcome by Nicola Marzari

13:45-14:05 Understanding Complex Molecular Crystals: Structure and Properties by Michele Ceriotti

14:05-14:25 From Atoms to Additive Manufacturing: Computational Design of Complex Metal Alloys by William A. Curtin

14:25-14:45 MARLON: MARVEL Design, Discovery and Engineering of Low-Dimensional Materials and Nanostructures by Nicola Marzari

14:45-15:05 Nanoporous Materials Genome: Optical, Catalytic and Electronic Properties by Berend Smit

15:05-15:25 Open Science Platform by Giovanni Pizzi

15:25-15:55 Coffee break
15:55-17:15 Presentations on ongoing projects (attended by all members) (15'+ 5' Q&A)

15:55-16:15 Correlated Transition Metal Oxides and Heterostructures by Philipp Werner

16:15-16:35 Search for Novel Topological Materials by Oleg Yazyev

16:35-16:55 Design and Discovery of Novel Solid-State Ionic Conductors by Teodoro Laino

16:55-17:15 Active Machine Learning for Computational Materials Design by Anatole von Lilienfeld

17:15-18:00 Scientific Advisory Board internal meeting (Room CO 216)

17:15-18:00 Industrial Advisory Board internal meeting  (Room BP 1.227)

18:00-18:30 Feedback from Scientific Advisory Board and from Industrial Advisory Board's chairpersons, and discussion with MARVEL management (Room BP 1.227)

Please note that travel to and from Lausanne should be covered by MARVEL member's own MARVEL funds.

For more information and registration, please contact Nathalie Jongen or Sonia Collaud.

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