MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Alexandre Tkatchenko

Mar 06, 2025, from 16:00 until 17:15, Zoom + MED 2 1124 (EPFL)

The 39th NCCR MARVEL Distinguished Lecture will be given by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko, University of Luxembourg. He will be presenting a lecture entitled: "AI-Driven Fully Quantum Biomolecular Simulations".

It will take place on Thursday March 6, 2025, 4 pm (CET).

Practical details:

  • In-person participation: room MED 2 1124 (Coviz2), EPFL
  • Remote participation possible: a Zoom link will be provided later.
Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko

Did you miss previous MARVEL Distinguished Lectures? You can watch them on the Materials Cloud dedicated page.

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