Ig Nobel Award Tour Show 2019
Mar 25, 2019, from 18:00 until 20:00, EPFL, Forum Rolex
This year's programme invites you to discover:
- Marc Abrahams
Father of the annual Ig Nobel Prize ceremony and editor of Annals of Improbable Research - Claire Rind (Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, UK)
2005 Peace Prize winner — "Monitoring a brain cell of a locust while that locust watches selected highlights from the movie Star Wars" - Marc-Antoine Fardin (Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Lyon, F)
2017 Physics Prize winner — "Can a cat be both a solid and a liquid?" - Mark Dingemanse (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, NL)
2015 Literature Prize winner — "The word 'huh?' seems to exist in every human language"
Show in English. Free tickets available from 14 March at the EPFL Esplanade reception desk in Lausanne or by email at info@nccr-marvel.ch.

Ig Nobel Award Tour Show on 27 March 2018 at EPFL, with Marc Abraham, Nadia Dominici, Milo Puhan, Alex Suarez and Kees Moeliker. © EPFL - Alain Herzog.

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