2018 Workshop on Fortran Modernization for Scientific Applications (ForMoSA18)
Jun 06, 2018, 9:00 until Jun 08, 2018, 15:00, University of Zurich
- Being active in the development of a scientific application written in Fortran (basic knowledge of Fortran)
- Basic knowledge of C language
- Familiarity with object-oriented programming concepts and parallel programming techniques.
Day 1 (Invited speaker: Arjen Markus, Deltares Institute in Delft, The Netherlands)
- New Fortran 2003/2008 features (including Object-Oriented) and outlook to the new standard 2018
- Best practices for Fortran
Day 2 (Invited speaker: Hans Pabst, Intel Switzerland, and Mikko Byckling, Intel Finland)
- Fortran/C interoperability
- Fortran parallelization
Day 3 (Invited speaker: Bálint Aradi, Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science, University of Bremen)
- Fortran-related tools
- Unit-testing frameworks
- Meta-programming tools
- Source-code documentation tools

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