Fix the leaky pipeline!
The "Fix the leaky Pipeline!" program is supported by all institutions of the ETH domain. It offers female PhD students, postdocs, and other young scientists the opportunity to reflect on their professional situations, to develop a strategy for embarking on a career path, to receive further targeted training, and to extend their personal and scientific networks. The "Fix the Leaky Pipeline!" program will start a new series of courses and coaching groups in spring 2021.
MARVEL female PhD students, postdocs, and other young scientists from institutions of the ETH domain are are kindly invited this kick off event online to receive detailed information about the program, meet the coaches & trainers and learn from role models how to realize a good work-life-balance.
The program and the guests will be announced soon. The event is free of charge but requires registration for organizational purposes.

Other training, mentoring and coaching programmes organized in the MARVEL involved institutions are listed here.
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