CP2K User Tutorial 2017

Jul 12, 2017, 10:00 until Jul 14, 2017, 16:00, UZH, Zurich

The CP2K User Tutorial 2017 on “Advanced ab-initio MD methods” will be held on July 12-14, 2017 at University of Zurich (Campus Irchel).
The goal of this CP2K tutorial is to provide to experienced researchers and students in the field of molecular simulations a survey of the most relevant computational MD tools implemented within the CP2K program package.

Topics covered (not limited to): 

  • Hybrid-functionals and calculation of exact exchange.
  • Correlations methods (RI-MP2/RI-RPA).
  • GW.
  • Multiple-time-step and path-integral MD.
  • Monte-Carlo-sampling.  

Please note that the number of participants is limited to 25. Members of MARVEL and UK-based researchers will get higher priority. MARVEL researchers can get funding from their NCCR-MARVEL project. Please register for the tutorial and add 'MARVEL' to your affiliation.

There will be a CP2K Developer Meeting on July 11, 2017 - just one day before the tutorial starts. Please add a note to your registration in case you want to attend.

Deadline for registration is Wednesday May 31, 2017.

Further information and registration

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