CCMX – NCCR MARVEL Materials Science Day 2018

Oct 04, 2018, from 9:40 until 17:00, Welle 7, Bern

Make sure to network with colleagues from the materials science scene in Switzerland!

The NCCR MARVEL and CCMX are co-organizing their second Materials Science day, featuring both experimental and modelling approaches to current challenges in materials science. 

The morning will be dedicated to projects involving modelling and first experimental validation. During the afternoon, the five CCMX Materials Challenges will present their research on topics ranging from coatings to additive manufacturing, from fiber science to nanoparticles and 2D materials.

The talks will give participants an excellent introduction to pre-competitive research going on throughout the country while the poster sessions, lunch and coffee breaks will give the chance to speak to researchers one-on-one, make new contacts and initiate collaborations. We hope you will take advantage of this unique opportunity and join us!


Participation is free of charge, but for organizational purposes, please register using the form found online here. The registration deadline is Friday 28 September, 2018.

Poster session

If you would like to present a poster on your MARVEL research, please inform Pascale Van Landuyt as soon as possible.
The deadline for submitting a short abstract, with the title of the poster, the authors and their respective affiliations is Thursday 27 September, 2018.  The abstract will need to be sent by email to Carey Sargent (CCMX) and to Pascale Van Landuyt (MARVEL).


09:40   Welcome and introduction

09:45   Presentation of NCCR MARVEL Phase II

10:00   NCCR MARVEL Industrial Project – Varinor — Fanny Lalire and Gianluca Prandini, EPFL 

10:30   Coffee break and poster session 

11:00   Multiscale Modelling of Metals — Prof. Bill Curtin, EPFL

11:30   Multiscale modelling in the metal industry – case studies and current limitations — Cyrille Bezençon & Zeqin Liang, Novelis

12:00   Lunch and poster session 

13:30   CCMX Materials Challenge: “Rethinking the materials science behind additive manufacturing” — Prof. Michele Ceriotti, EPFL

14:00   CCMX Materials Challenge: “Large area 2D materials” — Prof. Aleksandra Radenovic, EPFL 

14:30   Coffee break and poster session      

15:00   CCMX Materials Challenge: “Understanding nanosafety” — Dr. Cordula Hirsch, Empa

15:30   CCMX Materials Challenge: “Self-care materials” — Dr. Fabrizio Spano, Empa

16:00   CCMX Materials Challenge: “Coatings Competence Center” — Prof. Hans Hug, Empa 

16:30   Farewell drink and poster session

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