EPFL Finals of "My Thesis in 180 Seconds"

Mar 07, 2019, from 18:00 until 19:00, EPFL, Forum Rolex

Join us to the cheer on the two NCCR MARVEL members participating in the EPFL finals of "My Thesis in 180 Seconds," an international contest asking competitors to present his or her research, in plain language, to a non-specialist audience and a jury made up of researchers, journalists and business people in just three minutes.   

Congratulations to Bardiya Valizadeh and Daniele Ongari, both doctoral students in NCCR MARVEL co-director Berend Smit's Laboratory of Molecular Simulation at EPFL, as well as to Leonid Kahle  in MARVEL director Nicola Marzari's Laboratory of Theory and Simulation of Materials, who were all invited to participate in the EPFL finals. Come support your colleagues!

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