MADICES workshop 2022
Feb 07, 2022, 14:00 until Feb 09, 2022, 16:30, Online

Workshop objectives:
To prepare a perspective paper targeted at providing guidelines and recommendations for new projects in our field that work with data.
- For example, how best to prepare and disseminate datasets, databases and APIs such that they are interoperable with existing projects.
- We will be focusing on the area of X-ray absorption spectroscopy as a concrete example of a domain where a sample, its context/metadata and relations with other samples and computational experiments (e.g. peak assignment) are necessary for the science
To identify particular challenges that can be overcome via new collaborative software libraries/infrastructure and motivate their creation over follow-up meetings/hackathons
- For example, services that aid discoverability of apps/schemas, and ways of discovering if two apps are interoperable
- For example, strategies for progressively adopting open linked data principles that are accessible to non-experts
- To motivate follow-up meetings, hackathons and foster new cross-initiative collaborations.
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