MARVEL Industry Day @Empa

09:00 — Welcome coffee
09:30 — Introduction, NCCR MARVEL Overview and MARVEL Industrial engagement
10:00 — Keynote lecture : Prof. Roberto Car (Princeton University): Coarse-graining ab-initio molecular dynamics with machine learning
10:30 — Discussion
10:45 — Ivano Tavernelli (IBM): Quantum computing in the utility era
11:05 — Discussion
11:15 — Edvin Fako (BASF): Heterogenous catalyst design: High throughput experiments and machine learning accelerated high throughput simulations
11:35 — Discussion
12:00 — Lunch + Poster Session
13:30 — Maximillian Amsler (Bosch): Advancing materials innovation through classical and quantum computing at Bosch
13:50 — Discussion
14:00 — Loris Ercole (Microsoft Azure Quantum): Accelerating computational materials discovery with Azure Quantum Elements
14:20 — Discussion
14:30 — Marco Ravasi (Empa with Beyond Gravity): Launch vehicle vibration attenuation through large-scale phononic crystal inspired arrangements
14:50 — Discussion
15:00 — Coffee break
15:15 — Leopold Talirz (Schott): Computational materials engineering at Schott
15:35 — Discussion
15:45 — Ivan Shorubalko (Empa): Colloidal quantum dots based photodetectors: materials, technology, concepts, architectures, performance, sustainability
16:05 — Discussion
16:15 — Panel Discussion
17:00 — Final remarks and conclusion
Register for free before Thursday 29 August 2024 (final registration deadline). Coffee and lunch are included:
Researchers from academia (especially students) are encouraged to present their work during a poster session, the registration of which can be accessed through the above registration form. The research topic need not be directly related to industrial research.
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