CECAM Psi-k research conference — Electronic-structure simulations for large-scale facilities: Opportunities, challenges, and roadmaps

May 28, 2024, 14:00 until May 31, 2024, 17:00, Online (+CECAM HQ, EPFL, upon application)

The 2024 CECAM Psi-k research conference will be streamed openly in webinar mode to anyone interested, with no registration required. (Participation is also possible on site at the CECAM headquarters at EPFL upon application – registration now closed).

Zoom link for online participation:


Topics covered:

Electrons and phonons; magnetic spectroscopies; X-ray spectroscopies; light-matter interactions; data and workflows.

Activities will be followed by an additional half day (Fri afternoon) with the in-person participants (also relying on the online comments received during the week) to brainstorm on a possible roadmap for the field.

All details and program:



Nicola Marzari (EPFL and PSI), Barbara Montanari (STFC), Leon Petit (Daresbury), Giovanni Pizzi (PSI), David Prendergast (Lawrence Berkeley), Gilberto Teobaldi (STFC) .

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