SwissCompanyMaker 2018

SwissCompanyMakers, Kick-off Evening, April 12, 2016. Credits: Nicolas Brodard.
The SwissCompanyMaker consortium is pleased to announce its next Workshop which will be held on April 17, 18 and 25, 2018 at the Köniz Castle, Köniz-Bern, to host idea champions from all over Switzerland.
The workshop specifically targets very early to early high-technology entrepreneurial ideas from all fields and from all over Switzerland. Over a condensed two-and-a-half-day, the workshop prepares participants for the entry into the existing Swiss start-up promotion ecosystem. Individuals or teams can submit an application form with no admission fees. The workshop is free of charge for all accepted idea teams. The high-technology business idea may or may not have been recently patented, or applicants may have a high-tech business idea but are still wondering about the next steps to take.
Champion participants benefit from fast-paced sessions, guidance specifically adapted to their project, support from recognized industry experts from various backgrounds and networking opportunities. At the end of the workshop, participants leave with the business elements of their new venture well structured. Moreover, accepted idea champions receive a voucher for guided IP search as a bonus, offered by the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI).
Deadline for registration: February 11, 2018. Before submitting your project, please contact Pascale Van Landuyt, MARVEL Industrial Liaison & Tech Transfer Officer.
More information and registration are available here.

SwissCompanyMakers, April 2017. Credits: Noëlle Rodembourg.
The event will be facilitated by Mark Wilson (Neworks, workshop founder) and Christian Moser (patent expert of the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, IPI). This event benefits once more from the support of the CTI. Moreover, the IPI provides this year a special support, by offering a pre-training on intellectual property (January 29, 2018) and vouchers for guided IP-search to accepted idea champions.
The success of SwissCompanyMaker Alumni shows how valuable this training is: this year, the startup SensArs Neuroprosthetics won the Venture Kick final and Noonee was nominated for the prestigious Hermes award at the Hannover Fair! Moreover, novoMOF AG has been nominated for the Pionierpreis of the Stiftung TECHNOPARK® Zürich.
The SwissCompanyMaker (SCM) is a consortium of several Swiss research institutes in high-technology fields founded by the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Chemical Biology and the Swiss Integrative Center for Human Health (SICHH). The partnership also includes the NCCR TransCure, the NCCR PlanetS, NCCR RNA&Disease and the School of Management HEG Fribourg. The CTI supports this national initiative since 2016.

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