Machine Learning
Group Leaders

Structure of Pillar 2 and of the constellation of tools that will be built to support its key objectives.
Related publications (until January 2024)
- K. R. Briling, Y. Calvino Alonso, A. Fabrizio, C. Corminboeuf, SPA^HM(a,b): Encoding the Density Information from Guess Hamiltonian in Quantum Machine Learning Representations, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation(2024). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Corminboeuf / Project(s): P2 - J. T. Blaskovits, R. Laplaza, S. Vela, C. Corminboeuf, Data‐Driven Discovery of Organic Electronic Materials Enabled by Hybrid Top‐Down/Bottom‐Up Design, Advanced Materials 2023, 2305602 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Corminboeuf / Project(s): P2 - F. Bigi, G. Fraux, N. J. Browning, M. Ceriotti, Fast evaluation of spherical harmonics with sphericart, The Journal of Chemical Physics 159, 064802 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on GitHub.
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - L. Clarté, B. Loureiro, F. Krzakala, L. Zdeborová, Expectation consistency for calibration of neural networks, 216, 443–453 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Zdeborova / Project(s): P2 - N. Lopanitsyna, G. Fraux, M. A. Springer, S. De, M. Ceriotti, Modeling high-entropy transition metal alloys with alchemical compression, Physical Review Materials 7, 045802 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - L. Clarté, B. Loureiro, F. Krzakala, L. Zdeborová, On double-descent in uncertainty quantification in overparametrized models, 206, 7089–7125 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Zdeborova / Project(s): P2 - R. K. Cersonsky, M. Pakhnova, E. A. Engel, M. Ceriotti, A data-driven interpretation of the stability of organic molecular crystals, Chemical Science 14, 1272–1285 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2, DD1 - A. C. P. Jain, M. Ceriotti, W. A. Curtin, Natural aging and vacancy trapping in Al-6xxx, Journal of Materials Research 38, 5171–5187 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Ceriotti, Curtin / Project(s): P1, P2 - G. Pescia, J. Nys, J. Kim, A. Lovato, G. Carleo, Message-Passing Neural Quantum States for the Homogeneous Electron Gas, arXiv:2305.07240 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Carleo / Project(s): P2 - A. Mazitov, M. A. Springer, N. Lopanitsyna, G. Fraux, S. De, M. Ceriotti, Surface segregation in high-entropy alloys from alchemical machine learning, arXiv:2310.07604 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - S. N. Pozdnyakov, M. Ceriotti, Smooth, exact rotational symmetrization for deep learning on point clouds, arXiv:2305.19302 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - L. Gigli, D. Tisi, F. Grasselli, M. Ceriotti, Mechanism of charge transport in lithium thiophosphate, arXiv:2310.15679(2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - E. Cignoni, D. Suman, J. Nigam, L. Cupellini, B. Mennucci, M. Ceriotti, Electronic excited states from physically-constrained machine learning, arXiv:2311.00844 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - J. Nigam, S. N. Pozdnyakov, K. K. Huguenin-Dumittan, M. Ceriotti, Completeness of Atomic Structure Representations, arXiv:2302.14770 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Zenodo.
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - L. Gigli, A. Goscinski, M. Ceriotti, G. A. Tribello, Modeling the ferroelectric phase transition in barium titanate with DFT accuracy and converged sampling, arXiv:2310.12579 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - P. van Gerwen, K. R. Briling, Y. Calvino Alonso, M. Franke, C. Corminboeuf, Benchmarking machine-readable vectors of chemical re- actions on computed activation barriers, ChemRxiv. Preprint. (2023). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Corminboeuf / Project(s): P2
- M. Ceriotti, Beyond Potentials: Integrated Machine Learning Models for Materials, MRS Bulletin 47 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - R. Fabregat, A. Fabrizio, E. A. Engel, B. Meyer, V. Juraskova, M. Ceriotti, C. Corminboeuf, Local kernel regression and neural network approaches to the conformational landscapes of oligopeptides, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18, 1467–1479 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Zenodo.
Group(s): Ceriotti, Corminboeuf / Project(s): P2 - A. Fabrizio, K. R. Briling, C. Corminboeuf, SPAHM: the spectrum of approximated Hamiltonian matrices representations, Digital Discovery 1, 286–294 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Corminboeuf / Project(s): P2 - S. Gallarati, P. van Gerwen, R. Laplaza, S. Vela, A. Fabrizio, C. Corminboeuf, OSCAR: an extensive repository of chemically and functionally diverse organocatalysts, Chemical Science 13, 13782–13794 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Corminboeuf / Project(s): P2 - L. Gigli, M. Veit, M. Kotiuga, G. Pizzi, N. Marzari, M. Ceriotti, Thermodynamics and dielectric response of BaTiO_3 by data-driven modeling, npj Computational Materials 8, 209 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Ceriotti, Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P2, P3, P4 - B. A. Helfrecht, G. Pireddu, R. Semino, S. M. Auerbach, M. Ceriotti, Ranking the Synthesizability of Hypothetical Zeolites with the Sorting Hat, Digital Discovery 1, 779–789 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - H. J. Kulik, T. Hammerschmidt, J. Schmidt, S. Botti, M. A. L. Marques, M. Boley, M. Scheffler, M. Todorović, P. Rinke, C. Oses, A. Smolyanyuk, S. Curtarolo, A. Tkatchenko, A. P. Bartók, S. Manzhos, M. Ihara, T. Carrington, J. Behler, O. Isayev, M. Veit, A. Grisafi, J. Nigam, M. Ceriotti, K. T. Schütt, J. Westermayr, M. Gastegger, R. J. Maurer, B. Kalita, K. Burke, R. Nagai, R. Akashi, O. Sugino, J. Hermann, F. Noé, S. Pilati, C. Draxl, M. Kuban, S. Rigamonti, M. Scheidgen, M. Esters, D. Hicks, C. Toher, P. V. Balachandran, I. Tamblyn, S. Whitelam, C. Bellinger, L. M. Ghiringhelli, Roadmap on Machine Learning in Electronic Structure, Electronic Structure 4, 023004 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - C. B. Mahmoud, F. Grasselli, M. Ceriotti, Predicting hot-electron free energies from ground-state data, Physical Review B 106, L121116 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - J. Nigam, S. Pozdnyakov, G. Fraux, M. Ceriotti, Unified Theory of Atom-Centered Representations and Message-Passing Machine-Learning Schemes, The Journal of Chemical Physics 156, 204115 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - S. N. Pozdnyakov, M. Ceriotti, Incompleteness of Graph Neural Networks for Points Clouds in Three Dimensions, Machine Learning: Science and Technology 3, 045020 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Ceriotti / Project(s): P2 - P. van Gerwen, A. Fabrizio, M. Wodrich, C. Corminboeuf, Physics-based representations for machine learning properties of chemical reactions, Machine Learning: Science and Technology 3, 045005 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Zenodo.
Group(s): Corminboeuf / Project(s): P2 - S. Vela, R. Laplaza, Y. Cho, C. Corminboeuf, cell2mol: encoding chemistry to interpret crystallographic data, npj Computational Materials 8, 188 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Corminboeuf / Project(s): P2