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Artistic sketch of future envisaged applications for carbon based nanomaterials. On the left 1D nanomaterials that are fabricated in the nanotech@surfaces Laboratory of Empa when transferred to the Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory are integrated into prototypical devices (image credit M. L. Perrin, Empa). Both fabrication process and integration into devices require simulations of the structural and electronic properties of the novel nanomaterials in gas phase and on substrates. On the right, magnetic carbon-based nanomaterials are produced with engineered exchange coupling (image credit P. Ruffieux, Empa). The magnetic properties of the nanomagnets are measured via single spin electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (STM-EPR). Simulation frameworks to complement the experiments will be developed.
Related publications (until January 2024)
- P. Bonfà, I. J. Onuorah, F. Lang, I. Timrov, L. Monacelli, C. Wang, X. Sun, O. Petracic, G. Pizzi, N. Marzari, S. J. Blundell, R. De Renzi, Magnetostriction-Driven Muon Localization in an Antiferromagnetic Oxide, Physical Review Letters 132, 046701 (2024). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4 - M. Bommert, B. Schuler, C. A. Pignedoli, R. Widmer, O. Gröning, Ambipolar charge transfer of larger fullerenes enabled by the modulated surface potential of h-BN/Rh(111), Carbon 216, 118592 (2024). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Pignedoli / Project(s): P4 - E. Bosoni, L. Beal, M. Bercx, P. Blaha, S. Blügel, J. Bröder, M. Callsen, S. Cottenier, A. Degomme, V. Dikan, K. Eimre, E. Flage-Larsen, M. Fornari, A. Garcia, L. Genovese, M. Giantomassi, S. P. Huber, H. Janssen, G. Kastlunger, M. Krack, G. Kresse, T. D. Kühne, K. Lejaeghere, G. K. H. Madsen, M. Marsman, N. Marzari, G. Michalicek, H. Mirhosseini, T. M. A. Müller, G. Petretto, C. J. Pickard, S. Poncé, G. Rignanese, O. Rubel, T. Ruh, M. Sluydts, D. E. P. Vanpoucke, S. Vijay, M. Wolloch, D. Wortmann, A. V. Yakutovich, J. Yu, A. Zadoks, B. Zhu, G. Pizzi, How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows, Nature Reviews Physics 6, 45 (2024).[Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4 - G. Gebreyesus, L. Bastonero, M. Kotiuga, N. Marzari, I. Timrov, Understanding the role of Hubbard corrections in the rhombohedral phase of BaTiO_3, Physical Review B 108, 235171 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - M. T. Vahdat, S. Li, S. Huang, L. Bondaz, N. Bonnet, K. Hsu, N. Marzari, K. V. Agrawal, Mechanistic Insights on Functionalization of Graphene with Ozone, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127, 22015–22022 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - E. Linscott, N. Colonna, R. De Gennaro, N. L. Nguyen, G. Borghi, A. Ferretti, I. Dabo, N. Marzari, koopmans: An Open-Source Package for Accurately and Efficiently Predicting Spectral Properties with Koopmans Functionals, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 19, 7097–7111 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - L. Binci, M. Kotiuga, I. Timrov, N. Marzari, Hybridization driving distortions and multiferroicity in rare-earth nickelates, Physical Review Research 5, 033146 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - E. Di Lucente, M. Simoncelli, N. Marzari, Crossover from Boltzmann to Wigner thermal transport in thermoelectric skutterudites, Physical Review Research 5, 033125 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - N. Biniskos, F. J. dos Santos, M. d. S. Dias, S. Raymond, K. Schmalzl, P. Steffens, J. Persson, N. Marzari, S. Blügel, S. Lounis, T. Brückel, An overview of the spin dynamics of antiferromagnetic Mn_5Si_3, APL Materials 11, 081103 (2023).[Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - D. W. Tam, N. Colonna, N. Kumar, C. Piamonteze, F. Alarab, V. N. Strocov, A. Cervellino, T. Fennell, D. J. Gawryluk, E. Pomjakushina, Y. Soh, M. Kenzelmann, Charge fluctuations in the intermediate-valence ground state of SmCoIn_5, Communications Physics 6, 223 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Kenzelmann, Pizzi / Project(s): P4, OSP - S. Muy, C. Johnston, N. Marzari, AiiDA-defects: an automated and fully reproducible workflow for the complete characterization of defect chemistry in functional materials, Electronic Structure 5, 024009 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on GitHub.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - D. Campi, N. Mounet, M. Gibertini, G. Pizzi, N. Marzari, Expansion of the Materials Cloud 2D Database, ACS Nano 17, 11268–11278 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4 - P. Delugas, O. Baseggio, I. Timrov, S. Baroni, T. Gorni, Magnon-phonon interactions enhance the gap at the Dirac point in the spin-wave spectra of CrI_3 two-dimensional magnets, Physical Review B 107, 214452 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - T. Gorni, O. Baseggio, P. Delugas, I. Timrov, S. Baroni, First-principles study of the gap in the spin excitation spectrum of the CrI_3 honeycomb ferromagnet, Physical Review B 107, L220410 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - F. J. dos Santos, N. Marzari, Fermi energy determination for advanced smearing techniques, Physical Review B 107, 195122 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - F. Giorgianni, B. Wehinger, S. Allenspach, N. Colonna, C. Vicario, P. Puphal, E. Pomjakushina, B. Normand, C. Rüegg, Ultrafast frustration breaking and magnetophononic driving of singlet excitations in a quantum magnet, Physical Review B 107, 184440 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Kenzelmann, Pizzi, Rueegg / Project(s): P4, OSP - Y. Schubert, N. Marzari, E. Linscott, Testing Koopmans spectral functionals on the analytically solvable Hooke's atom, The Journal of Chemical Physics 158, 144113 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - I. Timrov, M. Kotiuga, N. Marzari, Unraveling the effects of inter-site Hubbard interactions in spinel Li-ion cathode materials, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, 9061–9072 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - J. Qiao, G. Pizzi, N. Marzari, Projectability disentanglement for accurate and automated electronic-structure Hamiltonians, npj Computational Materials 9, 208 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4 - J. Qiao, G. Pizzi, N. Marzari, Automated mixing of maximally localized Wannier functions into target manifolds, npj Computational Materials 9, 206 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4 - L. Binci, N. Marzari, Noncollinear DFT+U and Hubbard parameters with fully-relativistic ultrasoft pseudopotentials, Physical Review B 108, 115157 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - J. Berges, N. Girotto, T. Wehling, N. Marzari, S. Poncé, Phonon Self-Energy Corrections: To Screen, or Not to Screen, Physical Review X 13, 041009 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - M. dos Santos Dias, N. Biniskos, F. J. dos Santos, K. Schmalzl, J. Persson, F. Bourdarot, N. Marzari, S. Blügel, T. Brückel, S. Lounis, Topological magnons driven by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the centrosymmetric ferromagnet Mn_5Ge_3, Nature Communications 14, 7321 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - K. Biswas, D. Soler, S. Mishra, Q. Chen, X. Yao, A. Sánchez-Grande, K. Eimre, P. Mutombo, C. Martín-Fuentes, K. Lauwaet, J. M. Gallego, P. Ruffieux, C. A. Pignedoli, K. Müllen, R. Miranda, J. I. Urgel, A. Narita, R. Fasel, P. Jelínek, D. Écija, Steering Large Magnetic Exchange Coupling in Nanographenes near the Closed-Shell to Open-Shell Transition, Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, 2968–2974 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Pignedoli / Project(s): P4 - Q. Chen, M. Di Giovannantonio, K. Eimre, J. I. Urgel, P. Ruffieux, C. A. Pignedoli, K. Müllen, R. Fasel, A. Narita, On-Surface Interchain Coupling and Skeletal Rearrangement of Indenofluorene Polymers, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 224, 2300345 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Pignedoli / Project(s): P4 - A. Kinikar, X. Xu, M. D. Giovannantonio, O. Gröning, K. Eimre, C. A. Pignedoli, K. Müllen, A. Narita, P. Ruffieux, R. Fasel, On-Surface Synthesis of Edge-Extended Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons, Advanced Materials 35, 2306311 (2023).[Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Pignedoli / Project(s): P4 - A. Kinikar, X. Wang, M. Di Giovannantonio, J. I. Urgel, P. Liu, K. Eimre, C. A. Pignedoli, S. Stolz, M. Bommert, S. Mishra, Q. Sun, R. Widmer, Z. Qiu, A. Narita, K. Müllen, P. Ruffieux, R. Fasel, Sterically Selective [3 + 3] Cycloaromatization in the On-Surface Synthesis of Nanographenes, ACS Nanoscience Au (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Pignedoli / Project(s): P4 - T. Chiarotti, A. Ferretti, N. Marzari, Energies and spectra of solids from the algorithmic inversion of localized GW, arXiv:2302.12193 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - D. Grassano, N. Marzari, D. Campi, High-throughput screening of Weyl semimetals, arXiv:2308.01663 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - L. Bastonero, N. Marzari, Automated all-functionals infrared and Raman spectra, arXiv:2308.04308 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - E. Gazzarrini, R. K. Cersonsky, M. Bercx, C. S. Adorf, N. Marzari, The rule of four: anomalous stoichiometries of inorganic compounds, arXiv:2307.14742 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - M. Vanzini, N. Marzari, Towards a minimal description of dynamical correlation in metals, arXiv:2309.12144 (2023).[Open Access URL]
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - L. Ponet, E. D. Lucente, N. Marzari, The Energy Landscape of Magnetic Materials, PREPRINT available at Research Square (2023). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - P. Kraus, E. Bainglass, F. F. Ramirez, E. Svaluto-Ferro, L. Ercole, B. Kunz, S. P. Huber, N. Plainpan, N. Marzari, C. Battaglia, G. Pizzi, A Bridge between Trust and Control: Computational Workflows Meet Automated Battery Cycling, ChemRxiv. Preprint. (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4 - S. Gelin, N. E. Kirchner-Hall, R. R. Katzbaer, M. J. Theibault, Y. Xiong, W. Zhao, M. M. Khan, E. Andrewlavage, P. Orbe, S. M. Baksa, M. Cococcioni, I. Timrov, Q. Campbell, H. Abruña, R. E. Schaak, I. Dabo, Ternary oxides of s- and p-block metals for photocatalytic solar-to-hydrogen conversion, arXiv:2303.03332 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - C. Cignarella, D. Campi, N. Marzari, Searching for the thinnest metallic wire, arXiv:2312.16968 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - E. Macke, I. Timrov, N. Marzari, L. C. Ciacchi, Orbital-resolved DFT+ U for molecules and solids, arXiv:2312.13580(2023). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): P4 - A. Marrazzo, S. Beck, E. R. Margine, N. Marzari, A. A. Mostofi, J. Qiao, I. Souza, S. S. Tsirkin, J. R. Yates, G. Pizzi, The Wannier-Functions Software Ecosystem for Materials Simulations, arXiv:2312.10769 (2023). [Open Access URL]
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4
- N. Biniskos, F. J. dos Santos, K. Schmalzl, S. Raymond, M. dos Santos Dias, J. Persson, N. Marzari, S. Blügel, S. Lounis, T. Brückel, Complex magnetic structure and spin waves of the noncollinear antiferromagnet Mn_5Si_3, Physical Review B 105, 104404 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari / Project(s): OSP, P4 - L. Gigli, M. Veit, M. Kotiuga, G. Pizzi, N. Marzari, M. Ceriotti, Thermodynamics and dielectric response of BaTiO_3 by data-driven modeling, npj Computational Materials 8, 209 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Ceriotti, Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P2, P3, P4 - M. Kotiuga, S. Halilov, B. Kozinsky, M. Fornari, N. Marzari, G. Pizzi, Microscopic picture of paraelectric perovskites from structural prototypes, Physical Review Research 4, L012042 (2022). [Open Access URL]
Dataset on Materials Cloud.
Group(s): Marzari, Pizzi / Project(s): P3, P4, OSP