Training, coaching and mentoring

REGARD training programme, for women researchers at EPFL and UniFR. Around 20 workshops are organized every year, on issues related to career planning, communication, leadership, etc. Participation is free for women researchers of the program’s partner institutions.
Fix the leaky pipeline! for women researchers at EPFL, ETH Zurich, PSI and Empa. Coaching groups and training courses are organized to offer young scientists the opportunity to reflect on their professional situations, develop a strategy for embarking or continuing on their career paths, receive targeted further training, and extend their personal and scientific networks.
Réseau romand de mentoring pour femmes, for advanced women PhD students and postdoc at EPFL and UniFR. Through one-on-one mentoring with a individually selected professor, training and networking, this programme seeks to enhance the position of women researchers aiming at a career in academia.
CONNECT, Connecting Women's Careers in Academia and Industry, with EPFL, ETH Zurich, PSI, Empa, and UZH, encourages women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to plan and develop their career, and allows companies to interact with highly qualified women. It aims to inspire all involved people to bridge the gap between academia, industry and public sector.
feminno, at ETH Zurich and UZH, offers all female scientists (from life sciences, natural sciences, medicine, health, psychology, tech and similar) the opportunity to bridge academic research with innovation, entrepreneurship and industry. At the end of the programme you will be able to take an educated decision about your next career move or to build your own business with your innovative idea.