Phase II

Projects and group leaders involved in phase II
Design & Discovery 1 — Understanding Complex Molecular Crystals: Structure and Properties
- Project leader: Michele Ceriotti (EPFL)
- Computational co-applicants: Clemence Corminboeuf (EPFL), Stefan Goedecker (UniBas), Michele Parrinelo (USI/ETHZ), Anatole von Lilienfeld (UniBas)
- Partners: Esther Amstad (EPFL), Lyndon Emsley (EPFL)
- Project leader: William A. Curtin (EPFL)
- Computational co-applicants: Michele Ceriotti (EPFL), Anatole von Lilienfeld (UniBAS)
- Partners: Helena Van Swygenhoven (PSI), Christian Leinenbach (Empa)
- Project leader: Nicola Marzari (EPFL)
- Computational co-applicants: Daniele Passerone (Empa), Mathieu Luisier (ETHZ), Alfredo Pasquarello
(EPFL), Clemence Corminboeuf (EPFL - Partners: Kumar Agrawal (EPFL), Andras Kis (EPFL), Alexandra Radenovic (EPFL),
Oliver Groning (Empa), Roman Fasel (Empa)
Design & Discovery 4 — Nanoporous Materials Genome: Optical, Catalytic and Electronic Properties
- Project leader: Berend Smit (EPFL)
- Computational co-applicants: Jurg Hutter (UZH), Alfredo Pasquarello (EPFL), Ivano Tavernelli (IBM)
- Partners: Marco Ranocchiari (PSI), Piero Macchi (UniBE), Kyriakos Stylianou (EPFL)
Design & Discovery 5 — Correlated Transition Metal Oxides and Heterostructures
- Project leader: Nicola Spaldin (ETHZ)
- Computational co-applicants: Ulrich Aschauer (UniBE), Claude Ederer (ETHZ), Philipp Werner (UniFR)
- Partners: Marisa Medarde (PSI), Urs Staub (PSI)
Design & Discovery 6 — Search for Novel Topological Materials
- Project leader: Oleg Yazyev (EPFL)
- Computational co-applicant: Alexey Soluyanov (ETHZ)
- Partners: Ming Shi (PSI), Hugo Dil (EPFL), Christian Ruegg (PSI and UniGE), Arnaud Magrez (EPFL)
Incubator 1 — Design and Discovery of Novel Solid-State Ionic Conductors
- Project leader: Teodoro Laino (IBM)
- Computational co-applicant: Nicola Marzari (EPFL)
- Partners: Daniele Pergolesi (PSI), Claire Villevieille (PSI)
Incubator 2 — Active Machine Learning for Computational Materials Design
- Project leader: Anatole von Lilienfeld (UniBas)
- Computational co-applicants: Volker Roth (UniBas), Michele Ceriotti (EPFL)
- Project leader: Giovanni Pizzi (EPFL)
- Project leaders: Joost VandeVondele (CSCS), Thomas Schulthess (CSCS and ETHZ)