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The ACCES visualization contest rewarded digital projects presented in images
Representing digital data visually was the challenge of the 2017 ACCES visualization contest, whose award ceremony took place on February 26, 2018. The projects of this second edition, on the theme of computational thinking, were exhibited at EPFL until 21 March and are still visible on the ACCES website.
Alexey Soluyanov awarded SNSF professorship
Congratulations to Alexey Soluyanov, MARVEL researcher at ETH Zurich! He was awarded a SNSF professor position at the University of Zurich, with his project entitled "Topological Phases: From New Fermions to Materials and Devices".
Launch of the EMMC-CSA open forum
The European Materials Modelling Council Coordination and Support Action (EMMC-CSA) working group for Professional Software Deployment is excited to launch a new open forum Stack Exchange site dedicated to Software for Materials Modelling, for the European modelling community and International colleagues.
Flexibility Grants: The SNSF support for researchers with families
Simpler, more generously funded and open to more researchers: Flexibility Grants replace 120% Support Grants as of 1st January 2018.
HPC MaX Prize 2017 awarded to Nicolas Mounet and colleagues!
Congratulations to NCCR MARVEL's Nicolas Mounet and his colleagues on their HPC Max Prize 2017 for their research on “Novel two-dimensional materials from high-throughput computational exfoliation of experimentally known compounds” using the AiiDA code!
Mathematics workshops Maths en jeu for girls and boys at EPFL
Registrations for the 2018-2019 edition of the mathematics workshops Maths en jeu open on 1st Feb 2018. These workshops are taking place at EPFL and target girls and boys 8 to 15 years old. They are part of the equal opportunities actions of the EPFL Science outreach department supported by MARVEL.
Workshops programme REGARD 2018 for female researchers
The REGARD programme offers workshops for young female academics and for women professors of the universities of French-speaking Switzerland. The programme for 2018 is now available.
Clemence Corminboeuf receives the 2018 Early-Career Award in Theoretical Chemistry
The PHYS awards committee of the ACS Physical Chemistry Division has selected Professor Clemence Corminboeuf, MARVEL group leader and head of the Laboratory for Computational Molecular Design at EPFL, to receive the 2018 Early-Career Award in Theoretical Chemistry for her development of novel methods and conceptual tools and their implementation and application to organic systems.
Materials Cloud is online!
Materials Cloud is a web platform conceived to assist Materials Scientists in the life-cycle of their computational projects. It was recently released and all public sections of Materials Cloud are now available on
Young researchers realize that engaging in outreach activities can be both useful and rewarding
Thibault Sohier and Rico Häuselmann, two young researchers active in the MARVEL group headed by Nicola Marzari, contribute to the success of EPFL’s visit to two high schools in Fribourg on October 31, 2017.
Anatole von Lilienfeld awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant
Anatole von Lilienfeld, MARVEL group leader and head of a research group in the Chemistry Department of the University of Basel, was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council on 28 November 2017.