
  • Download the Quantum Mobile Virtual Machine based on Ubuntu Linux with a collection of quantum simulation codes

    Quantum Mobile may be useful for exercises in physics, chemistry and materials science courses, for running quantum simulations without any setup, for experimenting with new codes, but also for managing production simulations on external supercomputers through AiiDA —Automated Interactive Infrastructure and Database for Computational Science.

  • Looking for the organizing committee of the 2018 MARVEL Junior Retreat!

    Would you like to organize the fourth MARVEL Junior Retreat next summer? Read about the 2017 retreat that took place in Magliaso, Ticino and get a taste of this special event!

  • AiiDA developers meet again in the Swiss Alps to successfully improve the informatics platform

    Sixteen developers contributed to improve the AiiDA informatics platform during the second Coding in the Alps week taking place in Leukerbad on October 16-20, 2017. Let's hear them explain their work in a video.

  • What is computational thinking? Watch Craig Carter’s seminar at EPFL

    On November 10, 2017 Prof. W. Craig Carter from MIT, currently an invited professor at EPFL, gave a MARVEL ACCES Seminar entitled ''What is — and what isn’t — computational thinking? And, why and how should universities include it in curricula?''

  • Equal opportunity actions for young girls and boys at EPFL in 2018

    MARVEL and EPFL Science outreach department announce four initiatives of the equal opportunities actions targeted at young girls and boys and taking place at EPFL in 2018.

  • Apply for the Psi-k Volker Heine Young Investigator Award!

    Young computational science researchers are invited to put themselves forward for the Psi-k Volker Heine Young Investigator Award 2018.  The deadline for applying is December 1, 2017.

  • Summer 2017: Materials science and chemistry for young girls and boys

    The EPFL Science Outreach Department has organised this summer two camps on materials science and chemistry with the support of the MARVEL.

  • MaX Prize Call is open! Apply before September 30, 2017

    MaX - Materials at the Exascale — European Centre of Excellence on materials research via HPC and HTC towards the exascale — will award the MAX PRIZE FOR FRONTIER HPC APPLICATIONS IN MATERIALS RESEARCH – 2017 to recognize frontier research, performed anywhere in the world, that is enabled by enabled by Quantum ESPRESSO, SIESTA, Fleur, Yambo, AiiDA, and/or contributes to their advancement.

  • Piz Daint in third position of the TOP500 list of most powerful computers

    The 49th edition of the TOP500 list of the 500 known most powerful commercially available computer systems was released on June 19, 2017. The new number 3 supercomputer, after two Chinese systems, is the upgraded Piz Daint supercomputer installed at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS). It is also catching up the sixth position in the Green500 list ranking the top 500 supercomputers in the world by energy efficiency.

  • More than 90% participants would recommend colleagues to attend a similar tutorial using AiiDA

    The aim of the tutorial held at EPFL, Lausanne, on 29-31 May 2017 was to introduce 37 young researchers and more experienced practitioners to high-throughput computing (HTC). The programme included hands-on tutorials based on the open-source high-throughput platform AiiDA, complemented by four invited keynote talks to overview the diverse application fields of HTC.

  • Diamants, alu, caoutchouc, ils sont fous ces matériaux in autumn 2017

    MARVEL and EPFL Science outreach department announce a new edition of the science workshop Diamants, alu, caoutchouc, ils sont fous ces matériaux, an initiative of the equal opportunities actions targeted at young girls and taking place at EPFL.

  • Fifteen AiiDA developers meet in the Swiss Alps and successfully improve the informatics platform

    Fifteen developers successfully contributed to improve the AiiDA informatics platform during one coding week taking place in the Swiss Alps in early December 2016. About half of the participants were core AiiDA developers, the other participants were programmers motivated to contribute to AiiDA.