Download the Quantum Mobile Virtual Machine based on Ubuntu Linux with a collection of quantum simulation codes
Quantum Mobile may be useful for exercises in physics, chemistry and materials science courses, for running quantum simulations without any setup, for experimenting with new codes, but also for managing production simulations on external supercomputers through AiiDA —Automated Interactive Infrastructure and Database for Computational Science.
Looking for the organizing committee of the 2018 MARVEL Junior Retreat!
Would you like to organize the fourth MARVEL Junior Retreat next summer? Read about the 2017 retreat that took place in Magliaso, Ticino and get a taste of this special event!
AiiDA developers meet again in the Swiss Alps to successfully improve the informatics platform
Sixteen developers contributed to improve the AiiDA informatics platform during the second Coding in the Alps week taking place in Leukerbad on October 16-20, 2017. Let's hear them explain their work in a video.
What is computational thinking? Watch Craig Carter’s seminar at EPFL
On November 10, 2017 Prof. W. Craig Carter from MIT, currently an invited professor at EPFL, gave a MARVEL ACCES Seminar entitled ''What is — and what isn’t — computational thinking? And, why and how should universities include it in curricula?''
Equal opportunity actions for young girls and boys at EPFL in 2018
MARVEL and EPFL Science outreach department announce four initiatives of the equal opportunities actions targeted at young girls and boys and taking place at EPFL in 2018.
Apply for the Psi-k Volker Heine Young Investigator Award!
Young computational science researchers are invited to put themselves forward for the Psi-k Volker Heine Young Investigator Award 2018. The deadline for applying is December 1, 2017.
Nicola Spaldin receives the 2017 Mid-Career Researcher Award
The Materials Research Society has chosen Professor Nicola Spaldin, MARVEL group leader and head of the Materials Theory group at ETH Zurich, to receive the Mid-Career Researcher Award for "her new theoretical framework describing multiferroics and service to the materials community".
Michele Ceriotti has been awarded the C10 Young Scientist Award 2018
Michele Ceriotti, MARVEL group leader and head of the laboratory for Computational Science and Modeling at EPFL, has been awarded the C10 Young Scientist Award for 2018 "for his work on the development of novel and original algorithms to extend the scope and accuracy of molecular dynamics simulations, and to rationalize and predict the structure-property relations in complex materials".
Andrea Cepellotti has been awarded the APS Metropolis Prize 2018
Andrea Cepellotti, former MARVEL PhD student in the group of Nicola Marzari, has been awarded the American Physical Society Nicholas Metropolis Award for his outstanding doctoral thesis work in computational physics.
Michele Parrinello wins the 2017 Dreyfus Prize
Michele Parrinello, MARVEL group leader and professor of computational sciences at the Università della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano, has been awarded the 2017 Dreyfus Prize in the Chemical Sciences. He is honored "for his groundbreaking developments of molecular dynamics simulation methodology and associated landmark studies of chemical, material, and biomolecular systems".
Summer 2017: Materials science and chemistry for young girls and boys
The EPFL Science Outreach Department has organised this summer two camps on materials science and chemistry with the support of the MARVEL.
First step towards scientific independence for two MARVEL members!
In mid-August 2017, MARVEL members Marco Gibertini (EPFL) and Vladimir Rybkin (University of Zurich) were both awarded an Ambizione grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation.