Past events
MARVEL Junior Seminar — March 2017
Mar 09, 2017, from 12:15 until 13:30, EPFL, MED 0 1418Welcome to the fifth MARVEL Junior Seminar on Thursday March 9, 2017, 12:15 pm, EPFL, room MED 0 1418. Assil Bouzid (EPFL, CSEA) gives a presentation on 'Redox levels through constant Fermi-level ab initio molecular dynamics' and Nicolas Hörmann (EPFL, THEOS) on 'Grand-canonical first-principles simulations of electrochemical interface'. The seminar is facilitated by Ariadni Boziki .
MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Markus Reiher
Mar 08, 2017, from 16:15 until 17:15, EPFL, MXF1Wednesday March 8, 2017, 4:15 pm, EPFL MXF-1, Prof. Markus Reiher (ETH Zurich), Interactive and Automated Exploration of Reaction Mechanisms
MARVEL-MaX meeting and advanced AiiDA tutorial - March 2017
Mar 06, 2017, 14:15 until Mar 07, 2017, 18:30, EPFLThis meeting with both MARVEL and MaX members aims to encourage collaborations and to discuss about integration of workflows, plugins and curated data within AiiDA and Materials cloud. Furthermore, during the event an advanced AiiDA tutorial for experienced AiiDA users will be held. The event will be recorded and videos uploaded to the MaterialsCloud YouTube channel.
MARVEL School on Variationally Enhanced Sampling
Feb 14, 2017, 8:00 until Feb 17, 2017, 17:00, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), LuganoThis MARVEL school will cover the use of variationally enhanced sampling for obtaining free energies and kinetic rates both from classical and ab initio molecular dynamics. Other methods such as metadynamics will also be covered. Focus will be made on the use of these methods for applications related to materials science. The school will include hands-on tutorials using PLUMED 2 with various molecular dynamics codes.
MARVEL Junior Seminar — February 2017
Feb 09, 2017, from 12:15 until 13:30, EPFL, MED 0 1418Welcome to the fourth MARVEL Junior Seminar on Thursday February 9, 2017, 12:15 pm, EPFL, room MED 0 1418. Paramvir Ahlawat (EPFL, LCBC) gives a presentation on 'Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of nucleation and crystal growth of lead halide perovskites' and Giovanni Pizzi (EPFL, THEOS) on 'Automating materials discovery using AiiDA: provenance concepts and some use cases'. The seminar is facilitated by Quang Van Nguyen .
MARVEL Junior Seminar — January 2017
Jan 19, 2017, from 12:15 until 13:30, EPFL, MED 0 1418Welcome to the third MARVEL Junior Seminar on Thursday January 19, 2017, 12:15 pm, EPFL, room MED 0 1418. Jianfeng Huang (EPFL, LNCE) gave a presentation on 'Morphological Evolution of Cu Nanocrystals During Electrochemical CO2 Reduction'. The seminar was facilitated by Francesco Ambrosio.
MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Laura Gagliardi
Dec 20, 2016, from 17:15 until 18:15, EPFL, MXF1Tuesday December 20, 2016, 5:15 pm, EPFL MXF-1, Prof. Laura Gagliardi (University of Minnesota, USA), Homogenous and heterogeneous catalysis: two challenges for modern quantum chemistry
MARVEL Junior Seminar — December 2016
Dec 15, 2016, from 12:15 until 13:30, EPFL, MED 2 1522Welcome to the second MARVEL Junior Seminar on Thursday December 15, 2016, 12:15 pm, EPFL, room MED 2 1522. Zhendong Guo (EPFL, CSEA) gave a presentation on 'Band Alignment at semiconductor-water interfaces' and Sandip De (EPFL, COSMO) on 'Analysing and Rationalising Molecular and Materials Databases Using Machine-Learning'. The seminar was facilitated by Michele Pizzochero.
CISCO visit for female PhD students and postdocs
Nov 25, 2016, from 8:00 until 14:30, EPFL, exact location to be definedThe EPFL Equal Opportunities Office is glad to invite you to visit Cisco on Friday, November 25th from 8.00 to 14.30 at EPFL Innovation Square.
MARVEL Junior Seminar — November 2016
Nov 17, 2016, from 12:15 until 13:30, EPFL, MED 2 1522Welcome to the first MARVEL Junior Seminar on Thursday November 17, 2016, 12:15 pm, EPFL, room MED 2 1522. Nicolas Mounet (EPFL, THEOS) gave a presentation on 'Computational exfoliation of all known 3D materials' and Gabriel Autès (EPFL, C3MP) on 'High-throughput search for topological materials'. The seminar was facilitated by Fernando Gargiulo.
Women’s Lunch Event - Meet with three EPFL women professors
Nov 07, 2016, from 12:15 until 14:00, EPFL, INM11The Equal Opportunities Office of EPFL invites you to an informal lunch to meet three EPFL women professors who have accepted to give a presentation of their researches and careers.
EPFL Open Days 2016
Nov 05, 2016, 9:00 until Nov 06, 2016, 17:00, EPFLMARVEL will be present at the EPFL Open Days, on Saturday November 5 and Sunday November 6, 2016.