Flexibility Grants: The SNSF support for researchers with families
This was published on December 4, 2020
The Flexibility Grant is a measure proposed by the SNSF to increase the flexibility in the scientific career of young parents. This measure is applicable to PhD students and postdocs employed with a work-time percentage of at least 80% in an NCCR, regardless of the funding source, as well to PRIMA, Ambizione or Doc.CH grant awardees.
- The flexibility grant can provide funding to help cover the external child care costs charged to the researcher.
- The flexibility grant can be used to help finance the salary of a support person, allowing the grantee to reduce his/her work quota (PhD students are not eligible for this measure) .
The two measures can also be combined.
Interested MARVEL junior researchers must submit their application directly to the MARVEL management team. Please contact Lidia Favre-Quattropani to receive the application form.

In addition:
- MARVEL is committed to enhance work-life balance for all its members. Information about existing measures, daycare facilities and advice about work-life balance in the different institutions involved in MARVEL are listed here.
- The list of training, coaching and mentoring actions for women available in the institutions involved in MARVEL and to which you may participate is available here.
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