#NCCRWomen — This week, former QSIT INSPIRE awardees

This was published on March 15, 2021
Last modifications on March 18, 2021

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of women obtaining the right to vote in Switzerland, the 22 active NCCRs have joined forces in a campaign showing how in these 50 years women have come to occupy a central place in research in almost all scientific fields. During this campaign, these female researchers will be showing you who they are, what they do and why they are doing it.

During the week of 15 March, NCCR QSIT, Quantum Science and Technology, is portraying five researchers, four of them former recipients of an INSPIRE Potentials - QSIT Master Internship Award. The stipend, which gives excellent female students a chance to conduct their Master's thesis in a laboratory belonging to the NCCR QSIT network, is part of an initiativelaunched jointly with NCCR MARVEL in 2016encouraging young female researchers to discover the fields of the related NCCR. and, often, to pursue them as PhD students. 

The INSPIRE Potentials – MARVEL Master's Fellowships program offers up to eight fellowships to female students to conduct Master's projects in a MARVEL lab every year. The next application deadline is 15 April.

First #NCCRWomen video introduces us to Giulia Zheng, QSIT PhD student in physics at ETH Zurich.

Second #NCCRWomen video introduces us to Chiara Decaroli, QSIT PhD student in physics at ETH Zurich.

Third #NCCRWomen video introduces us to Nadine Leisgang, QSIT PhD student in physics at the University of Basel.

Fourth #NCCRWomen video introduces us to Anna Morales, PhD student in material science at EPFL. She did her Master in a NCCR QSIT group and then continued at the PhD level outside QSIT.

The portraits of the women of NCCR MARVEL will be unveiled from 27 September to 1st October. Keep in touch on the YouTube and Instagram channels.

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