Fix the leaky pipeline — One-to-one mentoring

This was published on December 17, 2020

The "Fix the leaky pipeline!" program will start a 3rd round of the one-to-one mentoring program for female PhD students (3rd year or above) and postdocs in the ETH Domain.

You qualify for applying for this one-to-one mentoring program if you are a female doctoral student in your 3rd year or above or a female postdoc in one of the six institutions of the ETH Domain during the entire time span of your mentoring project. During the period 2021-2024, "Fix the leaky pipeline!" offers three runs of one-to-one mentoring. The 1st run will start in spring semester 2021 and will last for one year.

The mentor will provide you with support and advice on career related issues like networking, career planning, work-life balance, career and family issues, funding questions etc. Mentees commit to regular participation in the mentoring meetings.

More information and application here. The deadline for the call is January 4, 2021.

The "Fix the leaky pipeline!" program comprises not only the one-to-one mentoring, but also training, coaching and peer mentoring. It is run by the six institutions of the ETH Domain. It offers young female scientists the opportunity to reflect their professional situations, to develop a strategy for embarking on a career path, to receive further targeted training, and to extend their personal and scientific networks.

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