Ana Akrap receives the Ludwig-Genzel-Prize 2023
NCCR MARVEL member Ana Akrap has won the Ludwig-Genzel-Prize 2023, which is awarded every two years during the International Conference on Low Energy Electrodynamics in Solids (LEES) for “exceptional contributions to the field of condensed-matter spectroscopy”. The motivation of this year's award acknowledges Akrap’s “exceptional contributions to the physics of quantum materials obtained via infrared spectroscopy in high magnetic fields and at high pressures”.

A professor at the University of Fribourg, Akrap has been using infrared spectroscopy as her main experimental technique to study the electronic and lattice-dynamical properties of various condensed-matter systems. Of particular importance are her contributions to the understanding of the iron-based superconductors and of various low-dimensional correlated materials.
More recently she has put her focus on the optical properties of topological insulators and semimetals, exploring the charge dynamics of materials such as topological insulators or Weyl and Dirac semimetals, which host light fermions.
She has been associated with MARVEL since May 2020 as group leader in Design and Discovery Project 6 with an Agility Plus grant on "Topological materials with intrinsic magnetic ordering". You can read an interview with her here.
Click here to learn more about the Ludwig-Genzel-Prize 2023 and past recipients.
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