Clemence Corminboeuf receives the 2018 Early-Career Award in Theoretical Chemistry
The Physical Chemistry Division annually sponsors senior and early-career awards in theoretical and experimental physical chemistry that are intended to recognize the most outstanding scientific achievements of members of the Division. The 2018 recipients will be honored at the Fall ACS National Meeting in Boston.

Two early-career awards are given each year – one each in theoretical and experimental physical chemistry – to honor achievements by investigators in the early stages of their careers. Each recipient receives a plaque and is invited to present a lecture at the divisional award symposium held at the fall ACS meeting that immediately follows the announcement of the award. Award winners are introduced at the annual reception sponsored by the PHYS Division and the Journal of Physical Chemistry. Winners are also invited to the Sunday evening dinner following the PHYS Executive Committee meeting. Eligibility is restricted to Physical Chemistry Division members who, at the time of the nomination, are in the first ten years of their careers as independent researchers.
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