Open Science Days

Feb 05, 2019, 9:00 until Feb 06, 2019, 14:00, Harnack House conference venue of the Max Planck Society

The Open Science Days are periodically organized by the Max Planck Digital Library to touch on various aspects of the global movement towards a more open and transparent approach to science. The program will touch on Open Access, Open Research Data, Linked Open Data, Open Review, Open Source, Citizen Science and Open Education. MARVEL's Giovanni Pizzi will be speaking on "Open Science Platform for Materials Science: AiiDA and the Materials Cloud ." 

The event is directed at researchers and specialists from inside and especially from outside the Max Planck Society who are interested in an interdisciplinary communication on Open Science.

Participants get the opportunity to present their own ideas, experiences, initiatives or activities and to discuss current topics related to the scopes mentioned above.

Registration is open until 1 February and more information about the event can be found here.

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