Nuovi materiali per ripensare il mondo

Jan 08, 2019, from 18:00 until 20:00, Aula Pasolini, Palazzo di Toppo Wassermann via Gemona 92, Udine

Tuesday 8 January 2019 at 18:00, Nicola Marzari, director of MARVEL, will give a public conference in Italian entitled "Novel materials to rethink the world" at the Palazzo di Toppo Wassermann in Udine (IT). This conference is part of the series "Aperture" organized by the Fondazione Friuli of the Università di Udine. 

The series of conferences "Aperture" are organized every year to meet the general public and to open a discussion on how to understand the present and make people feel more responsible of the world around us. This year's theme is "new humanism", in the idea to rethink the individual as a person inserted in a context of relationships and aware of the common destiny of humanity. 


The ages of human civilization have often taken the name of the materials that defined them — stone, bronze, iron — and perhaps we will have to add oil, silicon, uranium: materials that save us and kill us. What is needed now to survive, to live, and to live better? How can we keep together an intoxicated planet that is moving towards ten billion inhabitants? How do we discover, invent, and benefit from the new materials we need, understanding and anticipating in silico the effects, even the negative ones, that they can have?

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