MARVEL Junior Retreat 2018

The MARVEL Junior Retreat 2018 brings together young researchers from physics, chemistry and material science research groups working within MARVEL.
The organizing committee consists of two postdocs who work in different MARVEL groups: Patrick Gono and Jose Flores Livas.
This year's retreat format is again more of a work-session than that of a conference. Focus will be on improving collaborations through informal communication, and finding overlaps of interest. The Retreat will start Tuesday 17.07 afternoon and check out will be Friday 20.07 noon. The program will be available soon.
The Junior Retreat is held at the Hotel Alpenblick in Fieschertal, a village in Valais/Wallis very close to the longest European glacier, the Aletschgletscher.
More information and the online registration form can be found here

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