Let's redress the leaky pipeline
Nov 20, 2017, from 13:15 until 16:00, ETHZ, ML H 37.1
Why are there so few female professors and senior academics in biology, and what can we do about it? This gender equality event aims at answering this questions. Although the event will focus on the biological sciences, participants from all STEM fields are welcome and men are encouraged to attend.
13:15-14:00 Seminar by Dr Rhonda Snook from the University of Sheffield,UK
14:00-14:30 Coffee Break
14:30-14:45 Talk by Honorata Kaczykowski-Patermann, ETH Equal
14:45-15:00 Talk by Sara Petchey, Uni. of Zurich, Gender Equality Committee
15:00-16:00 Group discussion and workshop
16:00 Apero
More information and registration here.
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