EPFL Open House 2019

Sep 14, 2019, 10:00 until Sep 15, 2019, 17:00

To celebrate EPFL's 50th anniversary, there will be a special open house over the weekend of 14–15 September 2019. This family-friendly event will be free of charge and open to anyone with an interest in science – from children on up! MARVEL will be part of the adventure.

The MARVEL booth will use 3D movies and fun experiments to show how novel materials are created by computational design. The public will discover how atoms arrange to form materials and how super-computers are used to build materials properties. In particular, come and dive into materials and vibrate with atoms or use interactive sketch-maps to explore materials properties.

MARVEL booth at EPFL Scientastic, Nov 2018 (© NCCR-MARVEL)

The MARVEL booth will be located in the MED Hall at the second floor.

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