EPFL/ETHZ Summer School on Advanced Electronic Structure Methods

Jul 08, 2019, 8:45 until Jul 10, 2019, 16:15, EPFL

On July 8-10, 2019, the Summer School on Advanced Electronic Structure Methods in Condensed Matter Physics will take place at EPFL.

The event aims to provide an overview of advanced methodologies in computational condensed matter physics, including density functional theory, many-body perturbation theory, molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning approaches. The event consists of lectures given by internationally renowned speakers.

The school is co-sponsored by MARVEL, and the topics covered are of interest to the community, so you are very welcome to participate!

More information can be found on the school website: https://sites.google.com/view/eth-electronic-structure-2019/home.

Moreover, if you are a MARVEL member, MARVEL will be covering your registration costs. Simply register and pay the fee normally, and your lab will be reimbursed after you have attended the summer school. After you have registered to the school, please enter your name here in order to claim your registration fees from MARVEL.

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