Digital in our daily lives in a high school in Porrentruy

Oct 30, 2019, from 9:00 until 17:00

MARVEL will be present at the thematic day organized by EPFL at the Lycée Cantonal of Porrentruy on October 30, 2019. Entitled "Digital in our daily lives, today and tomorrow" this day on the theme of digital education is offered by the EPFL Education Promotion Service to the students and teachers of this high school.

EPFL professors, researchers and students will share their passion with the high school students. They will give them keys to understand the digital world in which we live. The day offers lectures, hands-on workshops, a walk around different demonstrations, a contest and especially many opportunities for exchange and discussions on this theme that impacts us all. Thanks to MARVEL, students will be able to dive into the materials at the atomic scale through a series of short films in 3D and discover the fascinating world of phonons that vibrate materials, as calculated by supercomputers.

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