Past events

  • Women’s Lunch Event with Accenture

    May 22, 2015, from 12:15 until 14:00, EPFL, room PAC88

    The Equal Opportunities Office of EPFL and Accenture, one of the world’s leading global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing companies, invite you to an exclusive Women’s Lunch Event at EPFL. Take the chance to meet female colleagues from Accenture and discuss with them about their daily work experience! 

  • MARVEL site visit

    Apr 22, 2015, 0:00 until Apr 23, 2015, 0:00, EPFL

    The first MARVEL site visit will take place at EPFL on April 22-23, 2015.

  • Fix the leaky pipeline!

    Mar 31, 2015, from 9:45 until 16:00, SNF, Wildhainweg 21, 3001 Berne

    Information day about the "Fix the leaky pipeline!" programme on Tuesday 31 March 2015, 9:45-16:00 at SNF, Wildhainweg 21, 3001 Berne.

  • MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Gustavo Scuseria

    Jan 14, 2015, from 15:45 until 17:00, EPFL ELA-1

    Wednesday 14 January 2015, 4:15 pm, EPFL ELA-1, Prof. Gustavo Scuseria (Rice University, USA), The strong correlation problem: A quantum chemistry perspective

  • MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Alex Zunger

    Oct 09, 2014, from 16:15 until 17:15, EPFL MXF-1

    Thursday 9 October 2014, 4:15 pm, EPFL MXF-1, Prof. Alex Zunger (University of Colorado, USA), The Inverse Problem in materials theory: Find the system that has a given target property