We are pleased to send you the 37th issue of the NCCR MARVEL newsletter
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Newsletter - November 8, 2021

Dear MARVEL'ers,

Please find below our latest newsletter, with news and events linked to the MARVEL community. 

Note in particular the extensive event program involving prominent experts in the fields covered by MARVEL. Until next spring, we will host Distinguished Lectures by Profs. John Perdew, Ingrid Mertig, Sharon Glotzer, Alán Aspuru-Guzik and Garnet Chan. The CECAM-MARVEL "Classics in molecular and materials modeling" series will feature joint lectures on fluid phase equilibria by computer simulations and on many-body perturbation theory, with presentations and interviews with Athanassios Panagiotopoulos and Dominic Tildesley, and with Lucia Reining, Steven Louie and Rex Godby, respectively.

Note in particular tomorrow's special event in the CECAM-MARVEL Mary Ann Mansigh conversation series: with the help of two invited speakers, we will explore the cultural environment that fostered the development of Olivetti's Programma 101 and learn more about its technical characteristics. 

As you know, the #NCCRWomen campaign has been proposing weekly portraits showing how women in Swiss research are changing the world. MARVEL's portraits have been unveiled and you can meet 5 women researchers in MARVEL.

Thoughts on mentoring

Shobhana Narasimhan

Mentoring the marginalized: thoughts by Shobhana Narasimhan

A huge and frequently unaddressed problem in science and academia is that people feel that they are faced with the task of climbing a huge mountain, all by oneself. Mentors can be the sherpas who lend a helping hand and share some of the burden, so that one no longer feels quite so alone. Shobhana Narasimhan, Professor at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, India – and member of the SNSF's MARVEL Review Panel – shares her thoughts on the matter.


American NSF invests in designing materials for the future

The US National Science Foundation has announced a $65.3M investment in 37 new awards in the Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future program.

Upcoming MARVEL Distinguished Lectures

MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — John Perdew

Nov 15, 2021, from 15:00 until 16:15, Zoom

The 27th NCCR MARVEL Distinguished Lecture will be given by Prof. John Perdew, Professor of physics and chemistry at Temple University on "More-predictive density functionals, symmetry breaking, and strong correlation"

MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Ingrid Mertig

Dec 03, 2021, from 15:00 until 16:15, Zoom

The 28th NCCR MARVEL Distinguished Lecture will be given by Prof. Ingrid Mertig, professor of physics at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg on "Transversal transport coefficients and topological properties".

MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Sharon Glotzer

Feb 08, 2022, from 16:00 until 17:15, Zoom

The 29th NCCR MARVEL Distinguished Lecture will be given by Prof. Sharon Glotzer, department chair of chemical engineering at the University of Michigan, entitled "A theory of entropic bonding".

MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Garnet Chan

Apr 05, 2022, from 17:00 until 18:15, Zoom

The 30th NCCR MARVEL Distinguished Lecture will be given by Prof. Garnet Chan, professor of chemistry at the California Institute of Technology. He will be discussing the possibility of exponential quantum advantage in quantum chemistry.

MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Alán Aspuru-Guzik

May 31, 2022, from 16:00 until 17:15, Zoom

The 31st NCCR MARVEL Distinguished Lecture will be given by Prof. Alán Aspuru-Guzik, professor of chemistry and computer science at the University of Toronto, and entitled: "There is no time for science as usual: Materials Acceleration Platforms".

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CECAM-MARVEL Mary Ann Mansigh conversation series

CECAM-MARVEL Mary Ann Mansigh series: Programma 101, the little computer that could

Nov 09, 2021, from 15:00 until 18:30, BCH2103, EPFL (registration required) + online

CECAM and MARVEL present the second installment of our Mary Ann Mansigh Conversation series and invite you to (re)discover the machine that transformed the specifications and the look and feel of calculators, opening the path to our modern laptops. With the help of two invited speakers, we shall explore the cultural environment that fostered the development of Programma 101 and learn more about the technical characteristics.

CECAM-MARVEL "Classics" series

CECAM-MARVEL Classics in molecular and materials modelling: Athanassios Panagiotopoulos and Dominic Tildesley

Dec 09, 2021, from 15:00 until 17:45, Online

Athanassios Panagiotopoulos (Princeton University) and Dominic Tildesley (University of Southampton) will give a joint lecture in what will be the fifth event in the series "Classics in molecular and materials modelling" hosted by CECAM and MARVEL. Their joint lecture will address fluid phase equilibria by computer simulations.

CECAM-MARVEL Classics in molecular and materials modelling: Rex Godby, Lucia Reining and Steven Louie

Jan 18, 2022, from 16:00 until 19:00, Online

Rex Godby, Lucia Reining and Steven Louie will give a joint lecture in what will be the sixth event in the series "Classics in molecular and materials modelling" hosted by CECAM and MARVEL. Their joint lecture will address ab initio studies of electronic excitations using many-body perturbation theory.

MARVEL Junior Seminars

MARVEL Junior Seminar — November 2021

Nov 12, 2021, from 14:00 until 15:15, Zoom

The MARVEL Junior Seminar series is continuing in videoconferencing mode. We are therefore pleased to propose the 45th MARVEL Junior Seminar: Guido Gandus (ETHZ/Empa) and Tara Tošić (ETHZ) will present their research. The seminar will be chaired by Stefano Falletta (EPFL).

MARVEL Junior Seminar — December 2021

Dec 10, 2021, from 14:00 until 15:15, Zoom

The MARVEL Junior Seminar series is continuing in videoconferencing mode. We are therefore pleased to propose the 46th MARVEL Junior Seminar: Kevin Jablonka (EPFL) and Stepan Tsirkin (UZH) will present their research. The seminar will be chaired by Kristians Cernevics.

EPFL's E3 program 2022

EPFL Excellence in Engineering summer internship program: applications open!

The application portal for the 2022 edition of the E3 EPFL Excellence in Engineering summer internship program is now open. The program is organized by the School of Engineering of EPFL and offers an intensive research training opportunity to Bachelor and Master students from all around the world, with various scientific backgrounds.

#NCCRWomen campaign

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of women obtaining the right of vote in Switzerland, the #NCCRWomen campaign has been proposing every week new portraits showing how women in Swiss research are changing the world! The portraits of the women of NCCR MARVEL were unveiled recently and you are invited to view them again below.

Meet again the #NCCRWomen of MARVEL

The #NCCRWomen campaign shows how women in Swiss research are changing the world! Meet Giuliana Materzanini, Miriam Pougin, Emiliana Fabbri, Jigyasa Nigam and Chiara Ricca, all researchers of the NCCR MARVEL.

#NCCRWomen in school — a researcher in my classroom

Meet the #NCCRWomen and invite a researcher in your classroom to exchange with her about who she is, what she does and why she is doing it. Open to the teachers of the high school level.

INSPIRE Potentials: read about a Master's Fellow's experience

The INSPIRE Potentials – MARVEL Master's Fellowships  in computational materials science, electronic-structure simulations, machine learning and big-data are available to outstanding women researchers for 6-month stays in Swiss research groups belonging to MARVEL.

All information can be found at http://nccr-marvel.ch/inspire 

You can read Nanchen Dongfang's portrait here. She won an INSPIRE Potentials fellowship for her master's thesis in the group of Prof. Jürg Hutter at the University of Zurich.

Coding club for girls

Coding club for girls all around Switzerland

MARVEL supports the Coding club for girls, a project initiated by the EPFL Science Outreach Department (SPS) with the support of the Federal Office for Gender Equality. It offers free coding workshops for girls 11 to 16 years old organized in French, German and Italian throughout Switzerland.

Open postdoctoral positions

CECAM workshop "Challenges and perspective in computational modelling for fusion reactors"

Oct 28, 2024, 8:30 until Oct 29, 2024, 17:20, CECAM-HQ-EPFL

On 28-29 October, CECAM will host a workshop on "Challenges and perspective in computational modelling for fusion reactors", co-organised by MARVEL Director Nicola Marzari with over 30 talks on how simulations help fusion technology.

The story of Jacutingaite at EPFL Scientastic 2024

Nov 09, 2024, 10:00 until Nov 10, 2024, 17:00, EPFL

During the 2024 edition of Scientastic, the EPFL Science Festival, being held on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 November, you will discover how science works! In particular, meet Lidia Favre-Quattropani, MARVEL scientific manager, telling the the story of Jacutingaite, or how a wonder material went from the mine to theory, crystal growth and experiments.

MARVEL Review and Retreat January 2025

Jan 13, 2025, 17:00 until Jan 15, 2025, 14:00, Sunstar Hotel, Grindelwald

The eleventh MARVEL Review and Retreat will take place on January 13-15, 2025. The event will gather all MARVEL members, group leaders as well as postdocs and students. Presentations will show to all the community where the projects stand and what are the next steps. 

MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Alexandre Tkatchenko

Mar 06, 2025, from 16:00 until 17:15, Zoom + MED 2 1124 (EPFL)

The 39th NCCR MARVEL Distinguished Lecture will be given by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko, University of Luxembourg. He will be presenting a lecture entitled: "AI-Driven Fully Quantum Biomolecular Simulations".

Open professor positions

CECAM workshop "Challenges and perspective in computational modelling for fusion reactors"

Oct 28, 2024, 8:30 until Oct 29, 2024, 17:20, CECAM-HQ-EPFL

On 28-29 October, CECAM will host a workshop on "Challenges and perspective in computational modelling for fusion reactors", co-organised by MARVEL Director Nicola Marzari with over 30 talks on how simulations help fusion technology.

The story of Jacutingaite at EPFL Scientastic 2024

Nov 09, 2024, 10:00 until Nov 10, 2024, 17:00, EPFL

During the 2024 edition of Scientastic, the EPFL Science Festival, being held on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 November, you will discover how science works! In particular, meet Lidia Favre-Quattropani, MARVEL scientific manager, telling the the story of Jacutingaite, or how a wonder material went from the mine to theory, crystal growth and experiments.

MARVEL Review and Retreat January 2025

Jan 13, 2025, 17:00 until Jan 15, 2025, 14:00, Sunstar Hotel, Grindelwald

The eleventh MARVEL Review and Retreat will take place on January 13-15, 2025. The event will gather all MARVEL members, group leaders as well as postdocs and students. Presentations will show to all the community where the projects stand and what are the next steps. 

MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Alexandre Tkatchenko

Mar 06, 2025, from 16:00 until 17:15, Zoom + MED 2 1124 (EPFL)

The 39th NCCR MARVEL Distinguished Lecture will be given by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko, University of Luxembourg. He will be presenting a lecture entitled: "AI-Driven Fully Quantum Biomolecular Simulations".

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